❗️❗️❗️STAFF NOTICE❗️❗️❗️




As most of you are aware, the coronavirus continues to spread globally, and its presence is increasing across the UK.

Healthcare Staff Recruitment’s leadership team are closely monitoring the situation, and we will send you regular updates to keep everyone informed of our operational arrangements to deal with any possible contagion of our employee’s or the children and adults that care for.

We are working closely across our divisions to plan for several scenarios. All of our planning and advice will follow national guidance from public health, Local Authorities and NHS Authorities. That guidance will be monitored daily and should there be any change impacting on our services, you will be informed.

The highest priority for the Healthcare Staff Recruitment is the health and safety of those in our care and our employees. Please review the basic precautions outlined below, which are important to protect yourself. We all need to be mindful of limiting the transmission of any disease. Please follow these best practices:

  • If you feel ill, please contact your manager to notify them of your absence. If you are advised by NHS 111 or your GP to self- isolate you must follow this advice. Further guidance on what to do next will follow.
    • Avoid shaking hands and wash your hands frequently both at work and at home. This is one of the most effective ways to avoid catching and spreading the virus,
    • If you need to self-isolate agency staff have been advised to self-isolate they must not enter our services.

Finally, it is important that we are all pro-active in helping keep not only ourselves, but also colleagues, our families and everyone in our services safe. If you have any concerns regarding Covid 19 and its impact on your job, please speak our office team. Please do listen to guidance and information from Government and Public Health and avoid myths and rumours.

Company News, Healthcare News, Industry News

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