North Wales NHS Shifts Available
Calling all registered nurses to sign up with HSR. The best paid agency shifts in Wales. Dedicated consultant on call 24/7 to fulfil your shifts to suit your needs.
Calling all registered nurses to sign up with HSR. The best paid agency shifts in Wales. Dedicated consultant on call 24/7 to fulfil your shifts to suit your needs.
As most of you are aware, the coronavirus continues to spread globally, and its presence is increasing across the UK. Healthcare Staff Recruitment’s leadership team are closely monitoring the situation, and we will send you regular updates to keep everyone informed of our operational arrangements to deal with any possible contagion of
More AMAZING feedback for our Fabulous Nurses and Team today ‘Following a recent meeting, I would like to let you all know that I have had such positive feedback about you all in fact I was told that HSR have the best nurses compared to any other agency they have used. Thank you
Situation in the UK Number of cases Four further patients in England have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total number of cases in the UK to 13. As of 25 February, a total of 6,795 people have been tested in the UK, of which 6,782 were confirmed negative and 13 positive. Risk level
We are holding our next Emergency First Aid at work training course on January 9th 2018. This course covers a range of CPR and first aid skills, providing you with the skills to ensure a safe working environment, under the Resuscitation Council (UK) The course covers learning outcomes such as: Role of the first aider, CPR
Our nurse recognition award this month goes to our lovely RNLD Anna. Anna has show compassion, dedication and commitment to HSR over the last few months. We really do appreciate you Anna! Enjoy your flowers and biscuits.
We had our induction this week for our new employees and hoist refresher training. If you would like to be part of an exciting new team, please call us on 01745 605405!
The Welsh government has published statutory guidance on the new nurse staffing law. The Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016 became law in March 2016 and has applied to acute medical and surgical wards since April 2017. Its phased introduction will be complete by April 2018. In time, it will also be extended to areas including mental health
The number of attacks by mental health patients on hospital staff in north Wales has fallen 12% in three years. There were 331 violent incidents involving patients and workers across the region in 2016-17, compared with 378 in 2014-15. The fall comes as the number of attacks across the UK rose by 25% in four
This week is International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) it’s an opportunity to stop and think about what it means to us here and how we can best fit it into the ever increasing expectations on what we can fit into our busy lives and work places. I have yet to meet anyone that disputes that preventing