Nursing, Theatres & Social Workers
Do you know someone who is a nurse and is interested in working as a HSR agency nurse? Whether it be Nursing shifts in the NHS or Private sector, refer them to us! If you refer a friend, and they work 150 hours for us (in their first 3 months), you’ll get a £200 referral bonus. If you refer two friends, and they each work 150 hours for us, you’ll get £400!
Healthcare Assistants & Support Workers
Do you know any experience Healthcare Assistants or Support Workers? Whether they are experienced in Care Homes, Independent Hospitals, or Supported Living refer them to us! If you refer a friend, and they work 150 hours for us (in their first 3 months), you’ll get a £150 referral bonus.
Referral terms and conditions
- HSR can only accept referrals for people that have given their permission for their details to be shared with us.
- People referred to us must not already be known to us, or exist the HSR database.
- Workers must work a minimum of 150 hours in their first 3 months with us.
- If a permanent worker, they must work at least 3 months in their new role before the referral fee is payable.
- Referrals must be made via this referral form in order to be logged and be eligible for referral fees to be paid.
- The worker must stipulate the referrer’s name on their registration form.